Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 23 - Steady Growin'!

Hey there everybody! Its the 23rd week of my baby brother's pre-birth life and he is busier than ever. Rather than starting off this week by telling about his latest exploits, I want to start with a more interesting topic - ME!

I'm not trying to brag or anything, but guess who just graduated from his Early Pre-K class this week? No, its not daddy. I don't think he's got what it takes to pass my class. Man he's so addle-minded, I've actually seen him cramming for a blood test. Its me, you fools! Yep, I got my diploma and everything.

Yeah, and thanks for all of the graduation presents. You sense my sarcasm? Its thick enough to make a sandwich.

Okay, I got my weekly bragging out of the way quickly. Now lets get on to my baby bro!  He's a busy little guy this week, which doesn't bode well for me. The first problem I'm having is that I've heard that his dexterity has greatly improved. His hands can work independently now. Why is this a problem? Well, think about it! Two hands, two weapons. Its like he's turning into a little baby ninja or something! Little Man was dangerous before but now he's become downright lethal.

Baby Bro's little lungs are growing lots of blood vessels right now. TONS of blood vessels. If you were to lay them all out end to end…..well…….that would just be gross. Trust me though, it would be a lot. All of that is in preparation of the air that he'll be breathing soon. Right now he's just practicing by breathing in that amniotic fluid. Man that takes me back to my early days. Breathing in that nasty fluid. Hey little guy, do you know you're breathing in pee? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I've got to get my humorous little jabs in while I can. At the rate he's growing, he might be bigger than me when he's born! Well okay, not quite THAT big but he's growing fast. He's just a little over a pound right now, but at the rate he's going his weight will DOUBLE in the next month. Yeah, DOUBLE!!! If you think that's no big deal then I suggest that you try to double your body weight in a month and see what happens. I don't care how many pizzas and twinkles you thrown down, it just isn't going to work. At this point he's going to be gaining more weight than height from week to week.

You know what else he's doing? Reacting to sounds. He kicks, jumps, and punches sometimes when I say the right things. My favorite thing to say? "Hey! Freeloader! Get out of my old apartment!" That really ticks him off.

Alright folks, that's about it for now. I've got a date with a bubble bath and some tub toys so I'll catch ya later. Don't forget to vote on the names of the week!

Andrew Joiner, Big Brother

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