Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 29 - Growin' Like a Weed

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to week 29!

What's that? No rhyming this week? Dang right. Lets be honest - it started to get a little hokey and contrived, so I ditched that in an effort to squeeze in even MORE baby blogging action! Don't complain, and don't cry. We're all adults here. SURELY you can find a word that rhymes with "nine" all by yourself.

If you can't - heaven help you.

I made the cut because there is just too much to talk about this week. If I lumped together all of my physical growth and new activities, etc. it would just take up too much space. I've learned that the attention span of the average adult "outsider" is about the length of a commercial or two, so why stretch things out? I think the only way I could double the length of my weekly blog and keep your attention would be to throw in random pictures of football games and bikini contests to keep you focused. Or wait, that might just work for daddy only.

So before I make this thing LONGER in an attempt to make it SHORTER, lets get the ball rolling! First of as always is the Baby Tale of the Tape. Right now I'm around 15"-16" tall, and weighing between 2.5 and 3 pounds.. From here on out, I should gain about a half pound per week (I'm at about 3.5% body fat right now), and will be 2 to 3 times my current weight when I finally escape. I won't get that much taller though, but don't say I didn't warn ya. I'll be a full-blown buddha baby, and there's no hiding that because now there's PROOF of my weight gain.

Proof? That's right. Pictures AND video evidence that I've been grabbing bits and pieces of the pasta, ice cream, and other goodies that my mom's been throwing down the ol' food tube. When the lady at the ultrasound place wasn't looking, I managed to log into their computer and stole a few pictures and video clips. Don't give me that look. I mean, can it REALLY be called stealing? Its all pictures of ME, so lets not make it a big deal. Anyone caught trying to rat me out to the cops will taste the full force of my baby fury! And don't think I won't do it - I already kicked my dad in the head this week when he was trying to listen in on what I was doing. That's what he gets for being nosey. Stay out of my room!!!

You can see some of those pictures over on the right side of the page. I put up a couple of my favorite ones. My personal favorite is where I'm raising my fist to show my Supreme Baby Power. I'll have you know that they took most of these pictures WITHOUT my consent. In fact, I was sleeping through some of them. But once I woke up and found out what they were doing, I erupted in an anger-filled wave of action, swinging my arms and kicking my legs. I also tried to yell at them to go away, but I couldn't make much noise with all of this fluid in here. Plus they thought I was yawning and said it was cute. Damn you people - I'm not cute, I'm angry!

As you can tell by my writing, my brain is still growing. Billions of neurons are forming daily. Yeah that's right, BILLIONS with a "B". Don't even try to challenge me in a game of scrabble right now because it would be ALL OVER for you. The only way I can lose is if I stop resisting the urge to eat those letter tiles. They look so good, and they're made to be bite-sized! What else am I supposed to do with them?

Because my brain is growing so quickly, my head has to expand as well to accomodate this awesome baby brain of mine. And you better back off and give it room too, because my brain does all sorts of cool things now. Its developed to the point that it can control nice, rhythmic breathing all by itself now. No more prompts from mom or anywhere else - my breathing is officially on auto-pilot. And the best part of it is that my lungs have now grown to the point that I can breathe air! Just in time too, because this whole breathing liquid thing is for the birds. Or more appropriately, for the fishes!

All of this growing has to be fueled by something, so I'm stealing more and more of the food that mommy eats every day. She doesn't realize it yet, but I siphon off quite a bit....but I still need more! Specifically calcium. I've GOTTA get my calcium. Man I soak that stuff up like a sponge. I can't get enough. Seriously. Hey mom, are you listening? I CAN'T GET ENOUGH CALCIUM. Nobody has ever died from a calcium overdose, so drink that glass of milk like daddy keeps saying. Trust me, I need it for stronger bones. My bones are all formed now, but they're still a little soft and pliable. They're not at ALL like the stainless steel frame I was expecting to have by this point. To say I'm a little disappointed there is an understatement. It looks like regular bones will have to do.

And speaking of bones, here's another fun fact for ya. My bone marrow is now completely in charge of the production of red blood cells. No more stealing from mommy, everything is my own. This segues nicely into my vocabulary word of the week - hematopoiesis. Go ahead and look it up, I'll wait.


For those of you who can't look it up, hematopoiesis deals with the building up all the important blood components. My little spleen now takes care of all of that. Day by day, I'm becoming more and more self-sufficient, and less and less dependent on the whims of my maternal baby carrier. You hear that mother? I'm turning into a perfect storm of independent attitude and unbridled baby rage! I won't be a slave to your egg sandwich diet, or your odd addiction to salsa. I'm my own man, dammit!

Um......hey mom? I'm getting kinda hungry in here. Can you throw down on a turkey sandwich or something? Please? Love you!

Ok, I think she's gone now. That crazy woman is torturing me with all of those egg sandwiches. She should be nice to me too, because from here on out she won't be feeling those big kicks and punches as much. Its not that I'm playing nice all of a sudden though. To be honest, I'm running out of room! I don't have the room to wind up and unleash a huge punch or kick anymore. So rather than pound away at her with huge blows, I have no choice but to poke her into submission with a flurry of elbows, knees, and heels.

I've got one last thing for ya before we move onto the baby names of the week. I told you a couple weeks back that I was able to "see" light and dark in here. Well, things are getting even better now. I can not only see the light, but I'll turn my head in that direction to look at it! You can't blame me for doing it though, as a shiny light is about the most awesome thing I've seen so far. I'm drawn to it! And in the past day or so, I've been able to actually move my EYES around to follow the light instead of moving my head around all the time. I'm "practicing to see", and I'm starting to learn how to focus. Daddy says this is important for a photographer, but what kinda crazy man would wanna be a photographer?

Oh.....wait. Nevermind. I guess I know what kind of crazy person would want to be one!

Let's get off that awkward moment and get right to the baby names of the week. Even though I did a pretty good job of picking names last week (according to the voting), I decided to let my Godmomma Teresa handle the name pickin' duties this week. Her submissions for this week are "Parker Reid Joiner" and "Logan Riley Joiner". Go to the right side of the page and let me know what you think!

Until next time, Baby Stalkers, keep on stalkin'!
-BabyBoy Joiner

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