Yeah, its TORQUE WEEK, and I'm sure my dad, grandpas, and uncles are impressed that I'm going to use the word "torque" correctly!
So what does a baby know about torque? Well I'm a little too young to go sliding under a car and start wrenching away at things, so that's not what I'm talking about. For all of you out there who nothing of what I am speaking, torque is the measure of a rotational force. (Daddy used to break these down into component vector forces back in college) So am I twisting and turning around in Wombsville? Sure, but that's not why this is "Torque Week". I've labeled this week (and technically, next week too) as "Torque Week" because I'm am right at a foot tall, and 1 pound in weight! Get it????
Oh for the love of modern education, you DON'T get it do you?
Torque is measured in foot-pounds. And since this is the time where I'm right at a foot tall and weigh a pound, I thought it was a pretty clever way to celebrate my move into the big boy world. Let me tell you there's few things more shameful than someone asking me what my weight is, and I have to tell them that my weight is measured in ounces. That's just sad. I'm a man, dammit! Okay, maybe just a baby boy. Maybe we can compromise and say I'm a BabyMan!
I like that new title. That rules. BABYMAN! Somebody should get me a cape. Then I could fly around the womb fighting crime and solving mysteries or something. That's right - BabyMan is protector of the young, the innocent, and apparently has the ability to go off on a tangent for long periods of time. How in the heck did my stream of consciousness lead me to this point? A second ago I was going a little over the top explaining my height and weight this week, and now I'm a crimefighter? I've gotta tell mom to lay off the ice cream. I must be getting baby brain-freeze or something.
So what's new in week 22? Here's something that'll give you nightmares just thinking about it - my eyes are formed, but right now the irises have no pigment to them. No blue, no brown, no "hazel", "green", or "gray". Just imagine a foot tall baby crawling at you with big, colorless eyes. And I live under your bed at night, occasionally vacationing in your closet with the door slightly cracked. Once you fall asleep, I crawl under your covers and......heh heh, I'll let the rest be a mystery. Sleep tight ladies!
As if you couldn't already tell, I've developed daddy's sick sense of humor. Its a wierd mixture of comic relief, personal anguish, and torture. Sorry, its genetic. Out of my control. AND I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Okay, enough of my sickness. Lets get back to the baby news. My skin is red and wrinkly right now. To be honest I look a little ridiculous. Red.....wrinkly.....colorless eyes.....hiding under your bed. (Sorry, couldn't resist!) Anyways, the wrinkled skin isn't because I've been soaking in fluid like you after being in the pool too long. Remember the "vernix"? That's keeping me from getting all soggy. Its actually my skin just being SMART and anticipating that I'll be packing on the pounds in the coming weeks. Rather than be stretched to its limits, my skin is a little "oversized" right now. Hey, who ordered the extra-large baby suit? Just look at my parents - I'm a medium at best. A large if I like things roomy. But extra large? I look like a Shar-pei!
My pancreas is developing quite nicely now. Its starting to produce all sorts of hormones that I'll need. I'm not sure WHY I need them, or even what hormones are to be honest with you. All I know about them is that sometimes mommy acts wierd at home, and daddy says, "Must be the hormones"! So hormones make you do wierd, crazy things? Wait I'm confused....then what does "alcohol" do? I thought that was what.....oh never mind.
Here's a big relief - my fingernails are pretty much grown all the way in. I can't tell you what a relief this is because hey, I'm a guy. I'm a BabyMan to be exact and dammit, sometimes we've just gotta scratch! Go ahead and say "but you're a baby!" all you want - its genetic. I. NEED. TO. SCRATCH. Maybe my head is itching, or maybe I've got a tickle back on the ol' baby rump. If you think I'm crazy, go 22 weeks without scratching an itch and tell me how successful YOU are!
The LAST major development I've got to report here is that my inner ear has developed to the point that I've established my own sense of balance. Its helping me with my BabyMan dexterity. Now all of my punches and kicks to Mr. Placenta and his sidekick (mommy's bladder) are MUCH more accurate - and deadly. I'm practically ready to start training as a cage fighter.
The best part about getting my sense of balance really straightened out is I can start doing some really cool X-Games type maneuvers in here. If mommy thought I was "active" before, just wait! I'll start doing barrel-rolls, flipping, twisting and turning all over the place now. I gave them a preview of this new action the other night where daddy FINALLY felt my acrobatic maneuvers in action!
Alright, that's enough baby news for now. I don't want to spoil you with any more just yet. But now its time for the baby names of the week! This time we're not going to say which suggestion is which. Last week marked the first time that a name was completely shut-out in the voting - a first in BabyBoy Joiner Naming History. This week we'll see if mommy and daddy can come up with some better suggestions.
The first suggestion is "Mason Andrew Joiner", and the second is "Carter James Joiner". Which is the best of the week? I want YOUR input! It helps me exercise my veto power that I hold over mommy and daddy in the naming process.
Until next week, keep on stalkin'!
The BabyMan himself, BabyBoy Joiner
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Week 21 - Blackjack!
Hey there stalkers! Baby Boy Joiner is back for another week of blogging fun. This is week 21 - or as daddy has been calling it, "Blackjack Week"!
He's calling it that because he's an idiot. Mixing babies with gambling? Good move there dad. Those are two worlds that really need to merge together....
Before I get started, let me just say THANK YOU to everybody out there that voted on the Twitter Poll last week. I didn't want to "tweet". I've never "tweeted", and if you HAD voted for me to do that then Placenta would've gotten all cocky since it was his idea. But now I can take the polls results back and tell him that he's as clueless as daddy for suggesting it! Let's face it - Twitter is for nerds and obsessive/compulsive people. I don't need to be lumped in with that kind of crowd.
Its been a busy week for sure. I finally let you guys know that I was a boy back on Tuesday, daddy's been working a ton of overtime, and mommy's in her full-blown "nesting phase". Now that's busy! Fortunately I've moved into a nice new phase of my life where I'm getting more and more REM sleep. Remember how I told you I started dreaming? Well I realized that dreaming is pretty cool so I'm doing a lot more of it.
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was the first baby to finish the Disney Marathon. Then I dreamed last night that I was playing football for the University of Florida. Pretty cool, huh? I've also noticed that sometimes dreams just don't make any sense at all. How else can you explain Monday night's episode where I was swimming in a huge pool of Jello and being chased by hundreds of hammerhead sharks made out of gummi bears?
Come to think of it, mom HAS been eating a lot of sweets lately. Thanks a lot woman! Because of your incessant snacking I'm now forced to dream of a world made of candy. Just for that I'm going to make you crave a mixture of broccoli and spaghetti for the rest of my time in here! Curse you and your nonsensical eating habits!
Enough about HER though, lets get back to ME! I'm growing big and strong as you can see by my latest pictures (check the right side of the page for the new ones). Mom and dad were a little nervous going into the last doctor visit, so I decided to calm them down. (Don't think I'm going soft here - I wanted them to calm down so mom would let me go back to sleep!) As soon as the ultrasound lady started poking and prodding her way into my world with that infernal device, I gave them a "thumbs up" sign to let them know everything was fine in here.
Then I started striking several modeling poses. I think I did a great job posing, but that ultrasound lady is NO photographer. Absolutely NO creativity whatsoever! You've got all of THIS to work with, yet all you can do is take these prison-mugshot-style pictures! For the love of all things baby-related woman, have you no creativity? I've seen better pictures in Helen Keller's photo album. There ARE some pictures of my baby parts but I won't be posting those just yet because I have to censor them a bit. I don't want everybody out there getting jealous.
I had to work EXTRA HARD to bring my personality across in these pictures since this lady had no idea how to work with a model. So what did I do? I showed them my baby feet so they could tell I was going to be a great runner/football player one day, and then I made a little gun sign with my hand. Now I COULD tell you that I did that to show off just how cool I am, or to say that one day I'll be an expert pistol marksman, but that would be lying. That is my signal for BABY WORLD DOMINATION! True, there's not that much to dominate in here, but I own this place! That means you too Placenta! From now on, YOU work for ME!
Whew, sorry about that. I got a little excited for a minute. Lets get back on subject here.....
To sum it all up in one little paragraph just doesn't do it justice, but lets just say the doctor visit showed us just how AWESOME I'm going to be. Every test came back fine, no problems whatsoever. The ultrasound showed a healthy heart, stomach, kidneys, you name it! It even showed my little baby bones which are good and strong. I'm still waiting for them to turn into stainless steel though. They're a little slow with that.
The best part is because daddy's put in a ton of overtime this week, mommy and daddy are going to use that money to make an appointment to go to one of those 3D-4D places and get some pictures and video so you can see in better detail just how good I look. I just hope the people at that place are better photographers than the lady at the hospital!
Lets take a quick look at the Baby Tale of the Tape. I'm up to about 11 inches tall and weigh about 3/4lb. Just think of how far I'm come in a matter of weeks! And think of how far the DOCTOR has come. She's finally stopped going by the "crown to rump" measurements and moved onto the big-boy height. 'Bout time!
What else is new in here? Well, my skin has gone from transparent to red. Thin, soft, and really really RED. Its better than being CLEAR don't get me wrong, but I can't wait to turn this red into my daddy's skin color. Red makes it look like I just got done screaming my head off or something.
Also, my digestive system is working by itself on a minimal basis, so I'm fairly self-sufficient. Again, all I'm processing right now is amniotic fluid, which tastes like whatever it is that mommy is eating. Right now it tastes a lot like ice cream. A little chocolate, a little mint flavored, with maybe a splash of cake in there somewhere. Its around this time that I start to figure out what my eating habits are, so whatever she eats usually becomes some of my favorite food.
And we wonder why kids have "sweet tooths"!
Alright, lets wrap this up. Mommy is about to leave for work and my internet connection is crappy when we get in her car and go for a ride. Time for a quick baby name poll! Obviously we aren't doing girl names anymore. That is, unless dad wants to adopt the "Boy Named Sue" philosophy and intentionally screw me up for life. This week you might be surprised though! For once I think that mommy is off her rocker with the name choice and, God help me for saying this, but my DAD'S choice might be the better one! Don't let me sway your opinion though, judge for yourself!
Daddy's choice this week is "Jeremy Allen Joiner", and mommy went with the more exotic "Remington James Joiner". If you ask me that name makes me think of two things - a snobby, pretentious guy.....or firearms. Could be really GOOD, or really BAD. See my point there? Anyways, go ahead and give us a vote on those two, and we'll catch up with you next week for some more baby bloggin' action!
Until then, keep on stalkin'!
-Baby Boy Joiner
He's calling it that because he's an idiot. Mixing babies with gambling? Good move there dad. Those are two worlds that really need to merge together....
Before I get started, let me just say THANK YOU to everybody out there that voted on the Twitter Poll last week. I didn't want to "tweet". I've never "tweeted", and if you HAD voted for me to do that then Placenta would've gotten all cocky since it was his idea. But now I can take the polls results back and tell him that he's as clueless as daddy for suggesting it! Let's face it - Twitter is for nerds and obsessive/compulsive people. I don't need to be lumped in with that kind of crowd.
Its been a busy week for sure. I finally let you guys know that I was a boy back on Tuesday, daddy's been working a ton of overtime, and mommy's in her full-blown "nesting phase". Now that's busy! Fortunately I've moved into a nice new phase of my life where I'm getting more and more REM sleep. Remember how I told you I started dreaming? Well I realized that dreaming is pretty cool so I'm doing a lot more of it.
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was the first baby to finish the Disney Marathon. Then I dreamed last night that I was playing football for the University of Florida. Pretty cool, huh? I've also noticed that sometimes dreams just don't make any sense at all. How else can you explain Monday night's episode where I was swimming in a huge pool of Jello and being chased by hundreds of hammerhead sharks made out of gummi bears?
Come to think of it, mom HAS been eating a lot of sweets lately. Thanks a lot woman! Because of your incessant snacking I'm now forced to dream of a world made of candy. Just for that I'm going to make you crave a mixture of broccoli and spaghetti for the rest of my time in here! Curse you and your nonsensical eating habits!
Enough about HER though, lets get back to ME! I'm growing big and strong as you can see by my latest pictures (check the right side of the page for the new ones). Mom and dad were a little nervous going into the last doctor visit, so I decided to calm them down. (Don't think I'm going soft here - I wanted them to calm down so mom would let me go back to sleep!) As soon as the ultrasound lady started poking and prodding her way into my world with that infernal device, I gave them a "thumbs up" sign to let them know everything was fine in here.
Then I started striking several modeling poses. I think I did a great job posing, but that ultrasound lady is NO photographer. Absolutely NO creativity whatsoever! You've got all of THIS to work with, yet all you can do is take these prison-mugshot-style pictures! For the love of all things baby-related woman, have you no creativity? I've seen better pictures in Helen Keller's photo album. There ARE some pictures of my baby parts but I won't be posting those just yet because I have to censor them a bit. I don't want everybody out there getting jealous.
I had to work EXTRA HARD to bring my personality across in these pictures since this lady had no idea how to work with a model. So what did I do? I showed them my baby feet so they could tell I was going to be a great runner/football player one day, and then I made a little gun sign with my hand. Now I COULD tell you that I did that to show off just how cool I am, or to say that one day I'll be an expert pistol marksman, but that would be lying. That is my signal for BABY WORLD DOMINATION! True, there's not that much to dominate in here, but I own this place! That means you too Placenta! From now on, YOU work for ME!
Whew, sorry about that. I got a little excited for a minute. Lets get back on subject here.....
To sum it all up in one little paragraph just doesn't do it justice, but lets just say the doctor visit showed us just how AWESOME I'm going to be. Every test came back fine, no problems whatsoever. The ultrasound showed a healthy heart, stomach, kidneys, you name it! It even showed my little baby bones which are good and strong. I'm still waiting for them to turn into stainless steel though. They're a little slow with that.
The best part is because daddy's put in a ton of overtime this week, mommy and daddy are going to use that money to make an appointment to go to one of those 3D-4D places and get some pictures and video so you can see in better detail just how good I look. I just hope the people at that place are better photographers than the lady at the hospital!
Lets take a quick look at the Baby Tale of the Tape. I'm up to about 11 inches tall and weigh about 3/4lb. Just think of how far I'm come in a matter of weeks! And think of how far the DOCTOR has come. She's finally stopped going by the "crown to rump" measurements and moved onto the big-boy height. 'Bout time!
What else is new in here? Well, my skin has gone from transparent to red. Thin, soft, and really really RED. Its better than being CLEAR don't get me wrong, but I can't wait to turn this red into my daddy's skin color. Red makes it look like I just got done screaming my head off or something.
Also, my digestive system is working by itself on a minimal basis, so I'm fairly self-sufficient. Again, all I'm processing right now is amniotic fluid, which tastes like whatever it is that mommy is eating. Right now it tastes a lot like ice cream. A little chocolate, a little mint flavored, with maybe a splash of cake in there somewhere. Its around this time that I start to figure out what my eating habits are, so whatever she eats usually becomes some of my favorite food.
And we wonder why kids have "sweet tooths"!
Alright, lets wrap this up. Mommy is about to leave for work and my internet connection is crappy when we get in her car and go for a ride. Time for a quick baby name poll! Obviously we aren't doing girl names anymore. That is, unless dad wants to adopt the "Boy Named Sue" philosophy and intentionally screw me up for life. This week you might be surprised though! For once I think that mommy is off her rocker with the name choice and, God help me for saying this, but my DAD'S choice might be the better one! Don't let me sway your opinion though, judge for yourself!
Daddy's choice this week is "Jeremy Allen Joiner", and mommy went with the more exotic "Remington James Joiner". If you ask me that name makes me think of two things - a snobby, pretentious guy.....or firearms. Could be really GOOD, or really BAD. See my point there? Anyways, go ahead and give us a vote on those two, and we'll catch up with you next week for some more baby bloggin' action!
Until then, keep on stalkin'!
-Baby Boy Joiner
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Week 20.5 - The Big Announcement!
Okay ladies and gentlemen, its the big announcement you've all been waiting for. There were a total of 61 votes - or should I say guesses - if I was a boy or a girl. I think it was something like 39 (boy) to 22 (girl).
All I've gotta say is that, hey, MAJORITY RULES! Yep, I'm a boy! But come on, were you really surprised? With this kind of talk, attitude, and swagger, SURELY you thought I sounded like daddy! Anyways, I'll say all the details for the weekly blog, so check back then. I'll have the details along with this weeks other updates. Plus you can expect pictures, and a few new video clips at the bottom of the page! (Yes, waaaaaaaaaaay at the bottom.)
Until then, you can stop calling me baby and just call me SIR! That is, until we can think of a better name.
-The Boy Baby Joiner
All I've gotta say is that, hey, MAJORITY RULES! Yep, I'm a boy! But come on, were you really surprised? With this kind of talk, attitude, and swagger, SURELY you thought I sounded like daddy! Anyways, I'll say all the details for the weekly blog, so check back then. I'll have the details along with this weeks other updates. Plus you can expect pictures, and a few new video clips at the bottom of the page! (Yes, waaaaaaaaaaay at the bottom.)
Until then, you can stop calling me baby and just call me SIR! That is, until we can think of a better name.
-The Boy Baby Joiner
Friday, August 14, 2009
Week 20 - Halfway There!
Its Week 20 and I'm feelin' kinda funny!
I'm also rhyming a lot, just like Muhammad Ali! Didn't you notice?
Its a time to celebrate, ladies and gents. Word around the womb is that I'm halfway done with serving my sentence in here. Another 20 weeks and I'll make my great escape. I got a few good ideas from daddy when he was watching "Escape from Alcatraz" on TV. That combined with my superior baby intellect might even get me out of here a few weeks early. Who knows?
As long as I get out of here in time to watch all of the BCS bowl games, I'll be one happy little baby. Besides, I'm tired of marking the days on my cell wall in here. Yeah, if you think that feels funny mom, just wait until I start writing my NAME in here! Or better yet, recreating some impressionist painting. You'll call it "kicking", but I'LL call it "slow mommy torture".
And if that isn't enough I'll kick you in the bladder again.
But enough about my scribbling on walls, lets get the Baby Tale of the Tape outta the way so we can get onto more interesting stuff. I'm up to 6.5" "tall" on that moronic doctor's "crown to rump" measuring system. However if you want to see how I stack up when measured like a NORMAL PERSON, I'm right at about 10", maybe a little taller depending on if I'm wearing my running shoes or not. Oh yeah, don't think for a second that I'm not taking advantage of this little bit of extra space while I have the chance. I run laps around that fat-tub-o-lard Placenta every day.
Again, mommy calls that "kicking". But what does SHE know? She calls everything I do "kicking". Hey mom, when I'm finally born and I cut loose with my first soiled diaper of the season, are you gonna call that "kicking" too? Because I'm gonna "kick" quite often. I'm talking several times a day. And it won't be pleasant. Better bring a gas mask for all that "kicking". And a little magazine for me to read.
I've put on more weight this week, despite all of my running. I'm blaming it on the fact that my bones are hardening. According to my baby calculations, I should go from regular bones to stainless steel armor in another 6-8 weeks. That's how it works, right? It only seems natural for a progression like that to occur. Anyways, check out this fun little fact - I'm quadrupled my body weight in the last 4 weeks. Pretty cool trick huh? If you're not impressed, then YOU do it in 4 weeks! So lets can all of the "fat baby" remarks. I'm GROWING, what's YOUR excuse?
On a whim, I checked a website and it said that I'm supposed to be 1/8th of my final body weight right now. So I did some simple baby math using my fingers and toes and based on THEIR calculation I'd be in the 5-6 pound range at birth. HA! Fat chance of that happening. They didn't take into account the "Joiner Factor" which clearly states that anyone in this family must eat tons of BBQ and fried chicken. That ALONE will put me up in the 8 or 9 pound range, maybe even 10 pounds! Yep, right where mom doesn't want me to be. Get ready for a lifetime of Baby Rebellion mama! It begins today!
News from the Womb is a little slow this week, but I do have a couple other things to tell you about. I'm swallowing a lot more often now. That'll give my itty bitty digestive system practice with tearing through things. First simple fluids, but once I bust out of here, I want nachos! And pizza, fried chicken, and BBQ. Not all at the same time though. What do you think I am, some kind of wierdo?
The BEST part of all of the digesting I'm doing is that I'm generating a lot of.....uh....well, the scientific term for it is "meconium". But you'd probably know it better by the street name, "baby poop". TRUST me, I'm building up quite a supply for that first little present to mommy and daddy.
If mommy and daddy weren't such tightwads and threw down a few bucks for a 3D-4D ultrasound, you could probably even see my eyelashes and eyebrows which are now easy to see. I don't really see a use for them just yet, but that's not the point. You could SEE THEM RIGHT NOW if they got an ultrasound! Tell mom and dad to quit being cheap and get one of these things done. I've gotta expand my portfolio so that everyone will know just HOW good looking I really am. Right now all they can see is an old ultrasound pic that looks like a wild weather system.
Oh, did you know that it takes 1-2 hours for the food that mommy eats to get all the way down to l'il ol' me? I'm not sure if this is the way its SUPPOSED to be, or if she's holding back and savoring the flavor before passing it on to me. Don't laugh, its true! The stuff I'm getting through my baby "food tube" umbilical cord is horrible! How bad does it taste, you ask? It tastes like food that's already been eaten, genius! Try choking some of THAT down and get back to me on what you think of the taste. So yeah, this is another thing that mommy is doing to make my stay in "baby prison" as unpleasant as possible. I think its supposed to be motivation for me to break outta here. Curse you woman! Just for that I'm going to eat everything in sight and I'll be 10 pounds for SURE when I get outta here. Large and in charge, that'll be me.
Okay, two more things I've gotta get off my waxy, gooey baby chest before we get to the names of the week, and they all involve VOTING! That's right - I need your input on a few different things. First off, you've only got a few more days to guess/vote on whether you think I'm a boy or a girl. That poll is over on the right side of the page with the rest of them. Go ahead, take your best guess! Last time I checked, a majority of you think I'm a boy, but you won't know for sure until Tuesday! So guess and see how you'll do in predicting things!
Next up, I have a tech-question for everyone. See, there's this new thing called "Twitter" that people are talking about. Mommy and daddy don't really understand it at all, but hey what else is new? These two aren't the most tech-savvy people on the planet. I bet I'll be the one teaching them things before my first birthday! Anyways, Placenta said that I should start to give Twitter updates throughout the week because some people that follow my baby blog just don't get enough from my once a week rants. (To these people, I say two words - CHILL THE HECK OUT!) Now normally I wouldn't take ANYTHING that Placenta says seriously, but it wasn't a BAD idea.
So I'll leave it up to a majority vote. You'll have a week to vote on whether or not you want Baby Joiner updates via twitter in ADDITION to the blog. Trust me, the blog ain't going nowhere. I can rant on this thing as long as I please and there's no WAY I'm giving that up for some dumb twitter thing. Vote with the rest of the stuff over on the right side of the screen.
And finally, we come to everyone's favorite part, the baby names of the week! Notice that I haven't really badmouthed daddy very much at all in this week's blog. Well the reason for that is that I was saving it all for the end. Why is HE allowed to name things? This guy shouldn't be allowed to name a BOAT, much less a person! His boy name of the week was "Trigger Pull Joiner". Yeah, Trigger Joiner. Are you kidding me? This man comes up with worse names for his kids than that Sarah Palin chick, who was naming her kids things like "outhouse", "recycle", and "slurpee"! The girl name was no better - this week's suggestion was "Missing Appendages Joiner", in the hope that would keep the guys away, at least through high school. Lord help me, the man's as smart as a bag o' hammers.
So forget those - let's talk MOM names. At least she tries!
This week the boy name is "Anthony William Joiner" and the girl name is "Heather Lynn Joiner". Like one? Both? Neither? Vote in this poll along with the rest on the right side of the page. By doing so, you're taking part in baby history!
Keep on stalkin'! I'll post a quick update on Tuesday to let you guys know if I'm a boy or a girl. Then expect a full blog-tastic update on friday!
-Baby Joiner
I'm also rhyming a lot, just like Muhammad Ali! Didn't you notice?
Its a time to celebrate, ladies and gents. Word around the womb is that I'm halfway done with serving my sentence in here. Another 20 weeks and I'll make my great escape. I got a few good ideas from daddy when he was watching "Escape from Alcatraz" on TV. That combined with my superior baby intellect might even get me out of here a few weeks early. Who knows?
As long as I get out of here in time to watch all of the BCS bowl games, I'll be one happy little baby. Besides, I'm tired of marking the days on my cell wall in here. Yeah, if you think that feels funny mom, just wait until I start writing my NAME in here! Or better yet, recreating some impressionist painting. You'll call it "kicking", but I'LL call it "slow mommy torture".
And if that isn't enough I'll kick you in the bladder again.
But enough about my scribbling on walls, lets get the Baby Tale of the Tape outta the way so we can get onto more interesting stuff. I'm up to 6.5" "tall" on that moronic doctor's "crown to rump" measuring system. However if you want to see how I stack up when measured like a NORMAL PERSON, I'm right at about 10", maybe a little taller depending on if I'm wearing my running shoes or not. Oh yeah, don't think for a second that I'm not taking advantage of this little bit of extra space while I have the chance. I run laps around that fat-tub-o-lard Placenta every day.
Again, mommy calls that "kicking". But what does SHE know? She calls everything I do "kicking". Hey mom, when I'm finally born and I cut loose with my first soiled diaper of the season, are you gonna call that "kicking" too? Because I'm gonna "kick" quite often. I'm talking several times a day. And it won't be pleasant. Better bring a gas mask for all that "kicking". And a little magazine for me to read.
I've put on more weight this week, despite all of my running. I'm blaming it on the fact that my bones are hardening. According to my baby calculations, I should go from regular bones to stainless steel armor in another 6-8 weeks. That's how it works, right? It only seems natural for a progression like that to occur. Anyways, check out this fun little fact - I'm quadrupled my body weight in the last 4 weeks. Pretty cool trick huh? If you're not impressed, then YOU do it in 4 weeks! So lets can all of the "fat baby" remarks. I'm GROWING, what's YOUR excuse?
On a whim, I checked a website and it said that I'm supposed to be 1/8th of my final body weight right now. So I did some simple baby math using my fingers and toes and based on THEIR calculation I'd be in the 5-6 pound range at birth. HA! Fat chance of that happening. They didn't take into account the "Joiner Factor" which clearly states that anyone in this family must eat tons of BBQ and fried chicken. That ALONE will put me up in the 8 or 9 pound range, maybe even 10 pounds! Yep, right where mom doesn't want me to be. Get ready for a lifetime of Baby Rebellion mama! It begins today!
News from the Womb is a little slow this week, but I do have a couple other things to tell you about. I'm swallowing a lot more often now. That'll give my itty bitty digestive system practice with tearing through things. First simple fluids, but once I bust out of here, I want nachos! And pizza, fried chicken, and BBQ. Not all at the same time though. What do you think I am, some kind of wierdo?
The BEST part of all of the digesting I'm doing is that I'm generating a lot of.....uh....well, the scientific term for it is "meconium". But you'd probably know it better by the street name, "baby poop". TRUST me, I'm building up quite a supply for that first little present to mommy and daddy.
If mommy and daddy weren't such tightwads and threw down a few bucks for a 3D-4D ultrasound, you could probably even see my eyelashes and eyebrows which are now easy to see. I don't really see a use for them just yet, but that's not the point. You could SEE THEM RIGHT NOW if they got an ultrasound! Tell mom and dad to quit being cheap and get one of these things done. I've gotta expand my portfolio so that everyone will know just HOW good looking I really am. Right now all they can see is an old ultrasound pic that looks like a wild weather system.
Oh, did you know that it takes 1-2 hours for the food that mommy eats to get all the way down to l'il ol' me? I'm not sure if this is the way its SUPPOSED to be, or if she's holding back and savoring the flavor before passing it on to me. Don't laugh, its true! The stuff I'm getting through my baby "food tube" umbilical cord is horrible! How bad does it taste, you ask? It tastes like food that's already been eaten, genius! Try choking some of THAT down and get back to me on what you think of the taste. So yeah, this is another thing that mommy is doing to make my stay in "baby prison" as unpleasant as possible. I think its supposed to be motivation for me to break outta here. Curse you woman! Just for that I'm going to eat everything in sight and I'll be 10 pounds for SURE when I get outta here. Large and in charge, that'll be me.
Okay, two more things I've gotta get off my waxy, gooey baby chest before we get to the names of the week, and they all involve VOTING! That's right - I need your input on a few different things. First off, you've only got a few more days to guess/vote on whether you think I'm a boy or a girl. That poll is over on the right side of the page with the rest of them. Go ahead, take your best guess! Last time I checked, a majority of you think I'm a boy, but you won't know for sure until Tuesday! So guess and see how you'll do in predicting things!
Next up, I have a tech-question for everyone. See, there's this new thing called "Twitter" that people are talking about. Mommy and daddy don't really understand it at all, but hey what else is new? These two aren't the most tech-savvy people on the planet. I bet I'll be the one teaching them things before my first birthday! Anyways, Placenta said that I should start to give Twitter updates throughout the week because some people that follow my baby blog just don't get enough from my once a week rants. (To these people, I say two words - CHILL THE HECK OUT!) Now normally I wouldn't take ANYTHING that Placenta says seriously, but it wasn't a BAD idea.
So I'll leave it up to a majority vote. You'll have a week to vote on whether or not you want Baby Joiner updates via twitter in ADDITION to the blog. Trust me, the blog ain't going nowhere. I can rant on this thing as long as I please and there's no WAY I'm giving that up for some dumb twitter thing. Vote with the rest of the stuff over on the right side of the screen.
And finally, we come to everyone's favorite part, the baby names of the week! Notice that I haven't really badmouthed daddy very much at all in this week's blog. Well the reason for that is that I was saving it all for the end. Why is HE allowed to name things? This guy shouldn't be allowed to name a BOAT, much less a person! His boy name of the week was "Trigger Pull Joiner". Yeah, Trigger Joiner. Are you kidding me? This man comes up with worse names for his kids than that Sarah Palin chick, who was naming her kids things like "outhouse", "recycle", and "slurpee"! The girl name was no better - this week's suggestion was "Missing Appendages Joiner", in the hope that would keep the guys away, at least through high school. Lord help me, the man's as smart as a bag o' hammers.
So forget those - let's talk MOM names. At least she tries!
This week the boy name is "Anthony William Joiner" and the girl name is "Heather Lynn Joiner". Like one? Both? Neither? Vote in this poll along with the rest on the right side of the page. By doing so, you're taking part in baby history!
Keep on stalkin'! I'll post a quick update on Tuesday to let you guys know if I'm a boy or a girl. Then expect a full blog-tastic update on friday!
-Baby Joiner
Friday, August 7, 2009
Week 19 - Pumping Iron!
Yeah, that's right, I'm pumping iron. Not like daddy in his early morning trips to the gym though. MY kind of pumping iron is STORING iron to help produce my own red blood cells. So then I can PUMP the IRON through my body. Get it? Pumping Iron? Its.....ah, forget it. I thought that was an awesome line. I spent all week thinking that up!
Ok, actually it was more like 30 seconds, but how do you expect me to keep track of time in here? My whole world consists of a fully enclosed room, no windows, only one exit, and no clocks on the wall! From what I hear from daddy, its like a Casino in Las Vegas but without all of the gambling and free drinks.
I'm making sense in here! Or should I say "senses"? My baby brain is kickin' into high gear, designating specialized areas for all of my different senses. I had a LITTLE bit of sensory action going on before (remember my whole deal with tasting amniotic fluid? Ugh!), but now things are in full swing. So now if I was outside of mommy's belly, I could smell her making her eggs every morning! I can taste even better, so pass some eggs my way mom! I can see light and dark better and better each day, and I feel it when mommy and daddy push on my belly in their pitiful attempt to make me move. Ha! Fat chance. I make all of my covert baby movements when you guys are sleeping. I know when this happens because my world turns on its side and mommy occasionally makes this little rumbly noise that daddy calls "snoring".
Hearing? That's another matter. It is developing just fine, but man I could put it on hold. Seriously. I've been hearing Daddy rant and rave about how he's getting rid of all of his "cool stuff" to make way for baby furniture. In fact, he was in my future room earlier this week disassembling a desk and moving things around. And you know what I did? I laughed! That's right old man! Get rid of your junk, because there's a baby on the way! And not just ANY baby, but Baby Joiner itself! Toil away in the future Den of Baby. I want it decked out in Winnie the Pooh from floor to ceiling, or heads will ROLL!
Now for this week's Tale of the Tape. I've put on some more weight now. Everyone is calling me "fat baby" right now and I'm only 8.5oz. Can you imagine the names they'll have once I'm born? Any wisecracks about my weight will be met with the Relentless Fury of Baby Joiner Fists, so all of you "outsiders" (my name for everyone outside this mommy-prison I'm locked down in) better watch your step!
Now for length. Or height. Whatever you want to call it. If it was up to me they should just call it height, but I actually hear some morons say "length" and most of these morons have the title "Doctor" ahead of their name. Seriously, I'm not laying down on the job here. I'm developing my l'il butt off! I increased my height by 8 percent in a week. Put that in perspective - that's like a full grown man getting 4 inches taller in just 7 days! So you doctors can kiss my little "head to rump" if you think I'm reclining in here. Enough with the "length" comments already! For the record, I'm 6 inches TALL now from my head to my little baby posterior. Add another few inches for my legs and I'm damn near a foot tall!
What else is new? Oh, pollution is a real problem in here. You think YOUR world is a mess? Mine is much smaller, so things are much more concentrated in here. What pollution am I speaking of? Well I may not have overflowing landfills or global warming in here, but you know what I do have? Pee. Yep, my kidneys have cranked into full gear now and I'm "sprayin' and prayin'" in here, a lot more than before! I'm trying to make the most of it though, so I'm turning it into a game. You know, kinda like those watergun games at the county fair where you have to shoot into a clown's mouth? Well, its roughly the same game, only my target is much better than a clown. Yes, that's right. My revenge plan against Mr. Placenta has taken shape. He is my primary target, and this game NEVER gets old!
Oh, here's another fun baby fact - my hair is starting to grow in! And I'm not talking about that little fuzzy hair that I've got growing all over me. I'm talking about the hair on my head! Right now I'm rockin' a little baby crewcut in here. Not much to work with yet, so I haven't bothered with a comb or anything. And no I'm not going to do any kind of stupid like style like a "Rayhawk" or anything. What kind of mouthbreathing idiots actually shave their hair into wierd shapes? It just looks like you fell asleep at the barber shop and the guy cutting your hair had an awesome sense of humor. True, hair will grow back, but your dignity won't. So for now I'm just doing the "natural" look.
Remember that waxy goo that I told you about last week? Now that I think about it, that stuff might be okay after all. Otherwise I'd be floating around in liquid for another 5 months with no protection. Think about it - you "prune up" in the tub or pool after what, an HOUR or two?? Yeah, go soak in a tub for 5 months and then see what YOU look like. So for now I guess its a necessary evil that I'll deal with. It is kinda fun. Like I said, my whole world is a slip 'n slide!
I told you earlier about my plan to come out and play when mom and dad are sleeping, so naturally I catch some z's when they're moving around. You know what else happens? I dream! Yep, I learned how to dream, and boy have I had some doozies in here. Most of them revolve around me and my battles with my arch nemesis the Placenta. After all how much else do I really have to dream about? Not much material to draw from in here. I DO have a frequent nightmare where daddy just won't BE QUIET. Oh wait, that's not a dream. That happens EVERY DAY!!! How about you shut that flapping trap you call a mouth and let me grow in peace?!!
I've developed little baby teeth "buds". The moronic doctors call these "milk teeth buds". Seriously? Milk teeth? When have teeth EVER helped you ingest milk? If anything, you'd think that they would get in the way. Boy these doctors sure think really carefully before they name things. Like your "funnybone". Trust me, there ain't a dang thing "funny" about hitting this thing!
So that's why you go to school for another 7 years or so, to invent stupid names for stuff? Wow, that's putting your family's money to good use there! Anyways I'm getting off track. The new development in the teeth category is that I've made little permanent teeth buds behind the "milk teeth buds". Yeah, that's what the doctors officially call it - "permanent teeth buds". Wow. Great job guys. Really excellent work. Did ONE of you come up with that, or was it a group effort?
And speaking of names, yes it is that time again. Mommy thought of some more great suggests, while daddy continues to try to scar me with names that you wouldn't even find on a cartoon. He could actually suggest "Wile E. Coyote Joiner" and it would sound better than some of his recent ideas. He actually suggested, "Rock Nasty Joiner" for a boy name, which makes me think that he isn't really even trying to come up with names anymore but rather just throws random words together. For the GIRL names at least you can tell he's paying attention. Maybe a little TOO MUCH attention. Seriously daddy, the name "Pretty Butdeadly Joiner" is a bit much. I think all those miles you run on the treadmill are starting to shake something loose in your noggin!
So lets just skip his suggestions and get to mommy's ideas, which are usually much more realistic and less likely to scar me for life. For a boy name she decided on "Jackson Andrew Joiner". Daddy loved this one by the way, but then said he'd call the baby "Rock Nasty" for short.
He's an idiot.
For the girl name, she settled on "Christine Marie Joiner". Much better than "Pretty Butdeadly", don't ya think? Don't forget to vote on these names over on the right side of the page. Every vote counts!
That's it for now. The countdown is on! August 18th will be the big announcement, but I will have another posting next week. So stay tuned Baby Stalkers! The next week or two is going to get REALLY exciting!
-Baby Joiner
Ok, actually it was more like 30 seconds, but how do you expect me to keep track of time in here? My whole world consists of a fully enclosed room, no windows, only one exit, and no clocks on the wall! From what I hear from daddy, its like a Casino in Las Vegas but without all of the gambling and free drinks.
I'm making sense in here! Or should I say "senses"? My baby brain is kickin' into high gear, designating specialized areas for all of my different senses. I had a LITTLE bit of sensory action going on before (remember my whole deal with tasting amniotic fluid? Ugh!), but now things are in full swing. So now if I was outside of mommy's belly, I could smell her making her eggs every morning! I can taste even better, so pass some eggs my way mom! I can see light and dark better and better each day, and I feel it when mommy and daddy push on my belly in their pitiful attempt to make me move. Ha! Fat chance. I make all of my covert baby movements when you guys are sleeping. I know when this happens because my world turns on its side and mommy occasionally makes this little rumbly noise that daddy calls "snoring".
Hearing? That's another matter. It is developing just fine, but man I could put it on hold. Seriously. I've been hearing Daddy rant and rave about how he's getting rid of all of his "cool stuff" to make way for baby furniture. In fact, he was in my future room earlier this week disassembling a desk and moving things around. And you know what I did? I laughed! That's right old man! Get rid of your junk, because there's a baby on the way! And not just ANY baby, but Baby Joiner itself! Toil away in the future Den of Baby. I want it decked out in Winnie the Pooh from floor to ceiling, or heads will ROLL!
Now for this week's Tale of the Tape. I've put on some more weight now. Everyone is calling me "fat baby" right now and I'm only 8.5oz. Can you imagine the names they'll have once I'm born? Any wisecracks about my weight will be met with the Relentless Fury of Baby Joiner Fists, so all of you "outsiders" (my name for everyone outside this mommy-prison I'm locked down in) better watch your step!
Now for length. Or height. Whatever you want to call it. If it was up to me they should just call it height, but I actually hear some morons say "length" and most of these morons have the title "Doctor" ahead of their name. Seriously, I'm not laying down on the job here. I'm developing my l'il butt off! I increased my height by 8 percent in a week. Put that in perspective - that's like a full grown man getting 4 inches taller in just 7 days! So you doctors can kiss my little "head to rump" if you think I'm reclining in here. Enough with the "length" comments already! For the record, I'm 6 inches TALL now from my head to my little baby posterior. Add another few inches for my legs and I'm damn near a foot tall!
What else is new? Oh, pollution is a real problem in here. You think YOUR world is a mess? Mine is much smaller, so things are much more concentrated in here. What pollution am I speaking of? Well I may not have overflowing landfills or global warming in here, but you know what I do have? Pee. Yep, my kidneys have cranked into full gear now and I'm "sprayin' and prayin'" in here, a lot more than before! I'm trying to make the most of it though, so I'm turning it into a game. You know, kinda like those watergun games at the county fair where you have to shoot into a clown's mouth? Well, its roughly the same game, only my target is much better than a clown. Yes, that's right. My revenge plan against Mr. Placenta has taken shape. He is my primary target, and this game NEVER gets old!
Oh, here's another fun baby fact - my hair is starting to grow in! And I'm not talking about that little fuzzy hair that I've got growing all over me. I'm talking about the hair on my head! Right now I'm rockin' a little baby crewcut in here. Not much to work with yet, so I haven't bothered with a comb or anything. And no I'm not going to do any kind of stupid like style like a "Rayhawk" or anything. What kind of mouthbreathing idiots actually shave their hair into wierd shapes? It just looks like you fell asleep at the barber shop and the guy cutting your hair had an awesome sense of humor. True, hair will grow back, but your dignity won't. So for now I'm just doing the "natural" look.
Remember that waxy goo that I told you about last week? Now that I think about it, that stuff might be okay after all. Otherwise I'd be floating around in liquid for another 5 months with no protection. Think about it - you "prune up" in the tub or pool after what, an HOUR or two?? Yeah, go soak in a tub for 5 months and then see what YOU look like. So for now I guess its a necessary evil that I'll deal with. It is kinda fun. Like I said, my whole world is a slip 'n slide!
I told you earlier about my plan to come out and play when mom and dad are sleeping, so naturally I catch some z's when they're moving around. You know what else happens? I dream! Yep, I learned how to dream, and boy have I had some doozies in here. Most of them revolve around me and my battles with my arch nemesis the Placenta. After all how much else do I really have to dream about? Not much material to draw from in here. I DO have a frequent nightmare where daddy just won't BE QUIET. Oh wait, that's not a dream. That happens EVERY DAY!!! How about you shut that flapping trap you call a mouth and let me grow in peace?!!
I've developed little baby teeth "buds". The moronic doctors call these "milk teeth buds". Seriously? Milk teeth? When have teeth EVER helped you ingest milk? If anything, you'd think that they would get in the way. Boy these doctors sure think really carefully before they name things. Like your "funnybone". Trust me, there ain't a dang thing "funny" about hitting this thing!
So that's why you go to school for another 7 years or so, to invent stupid names for stuff? Wow, that's putting your family's money to good use there! Anyways I'm getting off track. The new development in the teeth category is that I've made little permanent teeth buds behind the "milk teeth buds". Yeah, that's what the doctors officially call it - "permanent teeth buds". Wow. Great job guys. Really excellent work. Did ONE of you come up with that, or was it a group effort?
And speaking of names, yes it is that time again. Mommy thought of some more great suggests, while daddy continues to try to scar me with names that you wouldn't even find on a cartoon. He could actually suggest "Wile E. Coyote Joiner" and it would sound better than some of his recent ideas. He actually suggested, "Rock Nasty Joiner" for a boy name, which makes me think that he isn't really even trying to come up with names anymore but rather just throws random words together. For the GIRL names at least you can tell he's paying attention. Maybe a little TOO MUCH attention. Seriously daddy, the name "Pretty Butdeadly Joiner" is a bit much. I think all those miles you run on the treadmill are starting to shake something loose in your noggin!
So lets just skip his suggestions and get to mommy's ideas, which are usually much more realistic and less likely to scar me for life. For a boy name she decided on "Jackson Andrew Joiner". Daddy loved this one by the way, but then said he'd call the baby "Rock Nasty" for short.
He's an idiot.
For the girl name, she settled on "Christine Marie Joiner". Much better than "Pretty Butdeadly", don't ya think? Don't forget to vote on these names over on the right side of the page. Every vote counts!
That's it for now. The countdown is on! August 18th will be the big announcement, but I will have another posting next week. So stay tuned Baby Stalkers! The next week or two is going to get REALLY exciting!
-Baby Joiner
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