Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 28 - A New Development

Hello there, Andrew fans! Welcome to week 28. And yes, I consider all of you to be Andrew fans first. Everybody know that the 3 year old that's cooler than the other side of the pillow should have quite a following. Behold! Andrew the Great is here!

Before we start discussing my little brother, I want to discuss a far more interesting topic - ME! The big "happening" in my world lately is graduating into a new class at school. New room, new teachers, new books, and new playtimes in the afternoon. All of that stuff is fine and dandy, but that's not even the coolest part of class. You know what is the best part?

Older chicks.

Yep, they're all digging the new kid in class. Mia, Sophia, even that strange girl in class that likes to eat paper - they're all about me right now. Can you blame them?

Before anybody starts complaining that I'm bragging too much, let me move on and give you a couple updates on my little brother. It looks like he's still getting ready for our throwndown in April. While I'm confident that I can still take this little guy without much problem, he has the luxury of spending all of his time getting ready for this one event. Meanwhile I'm super busy. I've got a pot on all the burners here, between coloring, dancing, reading, playing cars, and beating up daddy, I'm just swamped! Here's the latest scouting report on his growth…

This week is a big week for him. Its called the "period of fetal viability". At this point, if he were to sneak out of mommy early he would have a 90% chance of survival - and a 100% chance of me kicking his butt. Don't get me wrong, I don't really have anything against the little guy but I've gotta let him know who's boss. 

The big step this week is his brain development. Up until now his little baby brain was smooth. Now, it is developing ridges and grooves. This is a sign of increased brain development. It also means that the little bugger is getting smarter by the day but then again, so am I! That means that his brain development is a wash, so the advantage goes to the more experienced guy - ME. Whew! For a second that brain development thing had me worried. I'm glad I thought that one through. He has started dreaming as a result of this development, which is rather appropriate. If you think you're gonna beat ME little brother - KEEP DREAMING!!!

He has another not-so-threatening development this week - he's coughing. Coughing, sucking his thumb, and hiccuping. The coughing and hiccuping thing is a result of his "breathing practice" that he keeps doing in there. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that this is a pretty funky experience. Seriously. Breathing LIQUID? Especially the same liquid that you're peeing in? Its equal parts of freaky and gross. He doesn't know any better, but man once he gets out of there and breathes AIR he's gonna look at mommy and wonder why she didn't throw a couple of scuba tanks in there or something.

Sucking his thumb? That's another story. Its all about learning to eat. He's not going to be attached to that feeding tube forever! Its too bad though, cause its pretty awesome to just sit back and have food not just brought to you, but automatically put into your tummy! Man, that's full service right there. Whoever the waiter was on the other end of my tube should get a big tip.

Physically he continues to sprout. This week he's around 15" tall and weighs 2.5lbs. He's really starting to weigh mommy down. She's getting really front-heavy, and he continues to swing those little baby legs into her ribs with surprising regularity. He's more active than the average little boy according to the doctor, so it sounds like he's putting himself through two-a-days in there in preparation for our meeting. Its really starting to show too, because he's only at about 2-3% body fat right now. That's one slim and trim little guy!

Okay, that's all for now. I've got a meeting with the potty, and I don't want to be late! Don't forget to vote for the baby names on the right side of the page, and I'll seeya next week!
Andrew Joiner, Big Brother

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